





Maple Class - Term 3, week 2

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 5:10pm

This week has been a busy week!  Monday saw Mrs Hopkins accompany the choir to their Young Voices evening in Birmingham.  Mrs Cordell and Mrs Hardy had a very creative day continuing our art work on the painting we looked at last Friday -  A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas 1773 by Claude-Joseph Vernet  The children have created a wonderful collage, exploring texture and colour mixing.  It is now displayed at the front of the school so it would be lovely for you to pop in and have a look at their hard work.

This weeks focus has been 'Around the World' and the book we have been looking at this week has been Emma Jane's Aeroplane by Katie Haworth

We thought about all the places Emma Jane visited and looked at finding these places on a map. We created our own maps and in Forest School on Thursday created our own aeroplanes - we had so much fun and worked together really well.

Unfortunately our cooking session with Mel got postponed today, but it will now take place next Friday, so we are very excited about that and will be looking at China and cooking up some vegetable chow mein.

In maths this week we have been think about the number 4, finding totals up to 4, finding 1 more and 1 less up to 4 and also taking away from 2, 3 and 4.   We have also continued to look at patterns and continuing a repeated pattern using small word, bricks and shapes. 

In phonics we have continued to learn our phase 3 sounds, learning y, z, zz, qu, ch.  We have been reading words and captions containing these sounds and we now have phonics books which we write in daily, practising writing words using our spelling fingers.  

On Thursday saw Maple have their first Samba drumming lesson with Lea.  We all really enjoyed exploring new instruments and learning to tap out rhythms to a beat, following Lea's lead.  We even all performed our first class piece at the end of the session and all managed to stop playing at the same time - amazing job, well done Maple.

On Thursday Lisa from the Library also visited us for a 30 minute story telling session before lunch.  We always love having Lisa in to visit and this week was all about Zog by Julia Donaldson  Her dress even had Zog all over it!  She looked fab.  

Mr Villa taught Maple class on Friday due to Mrs Duffey doing her own learning around maths in Worcester.  She is looking forward to bringing back lots of ideas into Maple class. 

Have a wonderful weekend and we're half way through January already! 


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Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

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School Lane, Ampney Crucis,
Gloucestershire, GL7 5SD

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

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School Business Manager | Heather Chadwick

01285 851440

Our School opening times are 08:45 until 15:15

Headteacher and SENCo | Mrs Tana Wood

Chair of Governors | Howard Beddoe

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