The school’s SENDCo. is Mrs Tana Wood, the head teacher. Please contact Mrs Wood regarding any SEND matter by emailing:
Our school is an inclusive school which aims to include all pupils and their families in all aspects of school life. We believe all children should be given opportunities to flourish and that children with Special Needs should be included in all that we do.
Children with Special Needs are encouraged to embrace school life like any other child, safe in the knowledge there will be staff to support them every step of the way while at the same time encouraging independence and resilience.
We will be a partner to you and your child, a place of trust and care.
SEND Governor: Mr Andrew Lazenby
What should you do if you think your child has Special Needs or you have any concerns?
The first thing to do is to speak to your child's class teacher and share your concerns.
If you have any compaints about the support the school provides for children who have Special Education Needs and disabilities please speak to the Head Teacher in the first instance. Our school complaints policy can be found within the policies section of the website.