





Maple Class 2024 - 2025

Mrs Hopkins

Mrs Duffey

Welcome to Maple Class! 

We have a small group of Reception children in our lovely, spacious indoor and outdoor classroom. The children thrive using all of the areas to enhance their learning through carefully planned play-based activities, whilst providing opportunities for them to use their imagination to see where their own ideas lead them. Our aim is to ensure the children are happy and safe, engaged and enjoying their time at school, alongside support at home, as that is how children learn to fly.

Our class teachers are Mrs Alison Hopkins and Mrs Janet Duffey and our teaching assistant is Mrs Sue Cordell. We understand that it can be daunting when your child starts school, and you may have lots of questions to ask. We always have an open door and encourage you to talk to us about any worries or concerns, no matter how big or small.

We work on independence skills with our children as soon as they arrive in school. It is always fantastic to see children who have already mastered some of these skills, such as putting their coat on, including zips and buttons, turning their clothes inside out (very helpful for PE!) and putting their shoes on. It is also great to see children that are able to tidy away when they have finished an activity before moving onto something else. In Maple Class, we have a rule when chosing our learning - 'Choose it, Use it, Tidy it away'.

Children always come into school with different abilities, so don’t worry if you don’t think your child can do some of the things that others can. You can help your child be school ready by encouraging them to recognise letters in their name, looking for and identifying numbers in the environment or by making counting objects part of everyday life, such as when buying fruit or vegetables.


Homework in Maple class is based around learning our sounds and further exploring new skills learnt in the classroom.

When we begin our Twinkl phonics journey, the children will bring home a new sound each day to practice quick recall with you. They might like to find or sort objects that begin with that sound or even explore how to write it, but this is not an expectation. We will begin to look at blending these sounds to read simple words and listening very carefully so that we can write down the sounds we hear in the words. 

Your child might enjoy singing number songs with you to help secure their understanding of numbers within 5 or 10 and look out for numbers to 10 when you are out and about! 



PE days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday.  Please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit on these days.


Forest School

Forest Schools this term will be on a Thursday afternoon.  Your child will be provided with an all in one waterproof.  Please ensure they have their wellies in school.



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Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

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School Lane, Ampney Crucis,
Gloucestershire, GL7 5SD

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

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School Business Manager | Heather Chadwick

01285 851440

Our School opening times are 08:45 until 15:15

Headteacher and SENCo | Mrs Tana Wood

Chair of Governors | Howard Beddoe

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We may look small from the outside, but we have lovely grounds to explore at the back of our school as well as new library that is the pride and joy of all our school.