Willow Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Jackson
Welcome to Willow Class!
Miss Jackson welcomes you to Willow Class.
We are a mixed class of Year 1 and 2 children. We are fun, curious and love our learning. In Willow class we are supported by Mrs Gardener and Mrs Lanchbury.
Welcome to a new term! We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable half term.
Our new big question this term is ‘Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place? In English, we will be extending our knowledge of the UK through learning and innovating the text ‘The Queen’s Handbag by Steven Antony. We will use the Talk4Writing approach to learn action and map the text. We will be creating our own version of the story by changing the characters and places visited alongside writing a series of instructions to catch our sneaky creature. We will be revisiting the continents to identify cold and hot places in the world, we will look closely at the equator and key features. In DT we will be creating our own working windmills thinking carefully about design, stability and functionality. In Science, we will be planting lots of plants to understand how seeds become plants, identify parts of trees and plants and know the different between deciduous and evergreen trees. During explore and learn the children will have the opportunity to build on the Geography by looking at the history of different explorers. Our role play area will be an airport this term where the children will have opportunities to create passports, boarding passes, check in and go through security and then board a plane designed by the children. Let’s hope they jet off somewhere warm!
We also have lots to look forward to this term. World Book Day is the 6th March and Science week begins on the 10th March. More details about World Book Day will be shared by Mrs Mckay.
Reading and Writing
Year 1 will continue learning their level 5 sounds this term beginning with /ph/ making the /f/ sound this week. Year 2 children will continue to learn Level 6 sounds and spelling rules this term beginning with /o/ making /u/. In addition to Phonics sessions all children are having focused common exception sessions to support accurate spelling and retention of CEWs.Year 2 children will be in reading fluency sessions be finishing reading ‘The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me’ by Roald Dahl before moving onto ‘The boy who grew dragons’ by Andy Shepherd.
Maths Year 1
Year 1 will be beginning the term by looking at measurement before moving onto partitioning 17-20. They will finish the term looking at fractions and position and direction.
Maths Year 2
Year 2 will begin by looking at mass and weight before moving onto fractions and then time.
PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday Please can children wear their full P.E. kit to school every Tuesday and Friday. Please note that no jewellery is to be worn during P.E. and earrings should be removed before the lesson or will have to be covered with medical tape. Also, long hair will need to be tied back on PE days, so it might be worthwhile having a couple of spare hairbands in their bag just in case. A one-off additional cricket day will be happening on the 8th January, so please ensure PE kit is worn this day. This term we will be having additional PE sessions each Tuesday for 5 weeks focusing on multi-sports. This will begin on Tuesday 25th February. As this is a normal PE day for children they will already be in kit. They will continue to have their PE session with Mr W on a Tuesday afternoon. All dates can be found below.
Reading books will continue to be changed each Friday. Please record all reading, including additional books you may share into your child’s record. Please ensure this is in school every day as children read with an adult throughout the week. Spelling bookmarks of the sound/s of the week will be sent home Friday to be assessed the following Friday, please ensure pink books are in on Friday.
All children have been assessed against the common exception words and have brought home a common exception mat with words highlighted that can be used to practise at home. We will reassess in June.
Year 2 children will be coming home with their TTRS login to practise their multiplication facts. I will first set the 2x, 5x and 10x table to practise before adding additional facts as we cover them within class. Year 1 children now have their Numbot logins to practise their bonds.
PE takes place on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon with Mr Wood from Atlas Sports and Friday with myself.
My PPA time takes place on Tuesday afternoons, when the class will be covered by Mrs Wood and Mrs Gardener.
Please ensure your child has clothes for all weathers in school (including a coat), we try to get outside as much as we can!
Willow Class: News items
Willow's Cooking Day - Tudor Pasties, by Mrs Wood
Christingle Service, by Mrs Wood
Sports Leaders Event, by Mrs Wood
Willow Class: Blog items
Willow Class blog - Week 6 Term 3, by Miss Jackson
Willow Class blog Term 3 Week 5, by Miss Jackson
Willow class Term 3 Week 4, by Miss Jackson
Willow Class: Calendar items
Multi- skills session for Willow, by Mrs Wood
Maple and Willow Atlas Sports, by Mrs Wood
Multi- skills session for Willow, by Mrs Wood