





Sports Premium

We, at Ampney Crucis C of E Primary School, want to give every child the opportunity to take part in different sports at all levels, within school, with and against local schools and county wide. 

We like to invite lots of different sports people in to share their expertise as well as taking children out to different events.

The impact of us spending the Sports Premium is that we hope a greater number of children take up the opportunities given, they live healthier lifestyles and enjoy both individual and team sports.

We encourage children to take part in different sports in 3 different ways.

Playing or taking part in different sports in a round robin festival where it is about the experience and taking part in a new sport such as archery, rather than competieting against other teams or individuals.

Playing a sport but being at the same time coached or developed in a non compeitive way.

Playing or taking part in a competive competition or event such as a Netball Tournament or Cross Country qualifier for county.


This year 2023/2024 we were awarded the School Games GOLD Award. We are very proud of this.


Swimming for 2023-2024

Swimming skills     Percentage of Y6 achieving this level
Swim at least 25 meters without assistance  56%
Use a range of strokes effectively, such as breaststroke, backstroke, and front crawl  88%
Understand water safety    88%
Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations  62%


Together we live, learn and flourish

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

Connect With Us

School Lane, Ampney Crucis,
Gloucestershire, GL7 5SD

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

Contact Us

School Business Manager | Heather Chadwick

01285 851440

Our School opening times are 08:45 until 15:15

Headteacher and SENCo | Mrs Tana Wood

Chair of Governors | Howard Beddoe

About Us

We may look small from the outside, but we have lovely grounds to explore at the back of our school as well as new library that is the pride and joy of all our school.