





Maple class - Term 3, week 3

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 4:03pm

I can't believe we are nearing the end of January, it seems to have whizzed by!  

This week we have been very busy in Maple class.  This week our book focus has been Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  We have also been looking at different types of houses, thinking about maps and creating maps of the three bears cottage in the woods and writing notes from Goldilocks to the 3 bears.

In Phonics we have learnt new diagraphs this week - sh, th and ng.  We have done some brilliant writing and reading using these sounds.  

In maths we have been partitioning the number 5, combining groups to make 5 and also continuing looking at patterns, but this time by combining sounds and movements.  

In our Samba music class this week we played 4 different instrauments - repinique, curdo, tamborim and ganza.  We learnt to read music this week, how to keep to a pulse and played in 4 parts, performing our own piece at the end of the lesson.  It sounded amazing.  

The children loved continuing learning Yoga and rememberd to start and end our practice by saying Nameste, and putting our hands together at hearts centre and bowing our heads.  They are perfecting their positions and really concentrating and being mindful of others. 

In Forest School we popped on our waterproofs and went puddle jumping, we had so much fun, and got rather wet!  We then explored the trim trail and pirate ship, making up stories and role play, we went on some amazing adventures together.

Friday brought much excitment with the postponed Chinese cooking class from last week with Mel.  What fun we had!  We made vegetable chow mein and vegetable spring rolls.  It smelt absoltely amazing.  Maple class learnt all about different vegetables and learnt how to chop them safely.  They did amazing stiring, chopping, mixing and rolling.  We learnt about how we should eat different colours of the rainbow when eating vegetables and how ideally we should eat 5 vegetables and 2 pieces of fruit a day.  Remember your "Rainbow Five".

We had lots of fun in Explore and Learn this week and have introduced 5 challenges a week which the children have all week to complete.  This week the challenges included writing to the 3 bears, making a map of the 3 bears cottage in the woods, how to partition 5, making bowls of porridge for the 3 bears and making three different sized beds for the bears.

Wow, what a busy week!  Now for the weekend and a nice rest!  See you next week. 

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Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

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Gloucestershire, GL7 5SD

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

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01285 851440

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Headteacher and SENCo | Mrs Tana Wood

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