Term 2, week 1- Friday 8th November
Date: 9th Nov 2024 @ 9:08am
Welcome back, it was lovely to see all the children back in Maple class this week.
This terms key question is "I wonder what makes superhero?" Please read our newsletter that was sent out during the week so as you can see what we will be learning this term, plus important dates for the term too. It can also be found under the Letters tab of our class page.
This week we were learning about two very special festivals - Diwali and Remembrance, but we also thought about Guy Fawkes night too! Our book this week was Rama and Sita and we found out about how Hindus celebrate Diwali. The story of Rama and Sita shows how good can overcome evil and light overcomes dark. We used masks to retell the story and we decorated the home corner to celebrate the festival. We learnt how diva lamps are significant and how they are put in peoples windows to celebrate Diwali to remember when people lit the way home for Rama and Sita, We made our own diva lamps using clay.
Towards the end of the week we spoke about why we wear poppies and the significance of them. In Forest School with Mrs Duffey this week, we used vegetables to print our own poppies to hold at our Remembrance worship on Monday 11th November. We watched two short videos on why we were poppies and why Remembrance Day is a special festival for us.
In phonics this week we have learnt our final sounds of Level 2 - ff, ll, ss, s (pronounced z). We are brilliant at knowing what a digraph is (two letters which make one sound). We have loved writing during our Explore and Learn time, writing notes in the diaries in the home corner, practising writing CVC words and writing doctors notes in role play. We have been doing lots of segmenting and blending practising this week too, posting pictures and words into Robot Rick once we have used oue robot voice to segment and blend. We have also enjoyed using the interactive whiteboard game to find the matching pictures to words.
In maths we have been thinking about the number 7 and have focused on counting carefully this week. We remember one touch, one number. We used a number line to help count accurately, placed counters on a 10's frame and used games to embed out skills. We also looked at the awareness of size and exploring when size changes, such as changing elastic bands to make different shapes on the peg board. During Explore and Learn time we are always using maths! Using the construction toys to compare who is the tallest, and ordering numerals.
In PE we used the parachute, which was really good fun, selecting different games to play and learn.
The children have enjoyed talking about the firework displays they are going to this weekend, so we look forward to them telling us all about them next week. Have a lovely weekend.