Term 5, week 5
Date: 12th May 2024 @ 8:22pm
Another busy week for Chestnut Class and what a joy to be able to get out into our wonderful grounds in the sunshine!
Miss Smith has been teaching Year 4 maths this week (adding and subtracting decimals) and this means that both year groups get longer maths sessions, as I am not split between the two. This is really helpful as we can both hone in on the trickier Deepen Its and can add extra challenges. Year 3 and I have been working on measures.
Once again, I have been really impressed with the children's writing in English and our Podkin One-Ear flashback narratives are coming along very nicely indeed.
In History, the children researched whether King Alfred was really 'great', and concluded that one of his greatest accomplishments was bringing reading to a larger audience by translating books written in Latin into English. I love the fact we are such avid readers in Chestnut Class!
Science this week involved collaborative work investigating patterns in the distance between a torch and an opaque object, compared to the size of the shadow this made. There was some great team work, fantastic scientific thinking and lots of accurate measuring goin on.
Work in RE focused on how community is important to Muslims and it was brilliant to see how much the children have already learnt about Islam over the past few weeks.
On Friday afternoon, we were able to get really creative in computing as we took the ipads outside to take some stunning nature photos using different filters. These will be displayed in gthe classrfoom over the next few weeks.