Week 5
Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 6:14pm
It has been a week of poetry with the children creating some fantastic 'Recipes for Friendship' poems, linked to PSHE, as well as taking on the task of creating poems about what refuge means to them. Refuge was the theme for National Poetry Day and we began by listening to a song called 'Refuge' to aid our understanding of the term. We noted that refuge doesn't always refer to refugees but that we can all seek refuge to help us mentally, and that this might be found in a person, place or activity. As always, the children did a fab job!
In Science, we began to look at the parts of a food chain, with the children showing good understanding of terms such as predator and prey (reading The Gruffalo helped with that!), producer and consumer.
It was lovely to see so many of you at our Reading Cafe on Friday. I know the children were delighted to share a story with you, as well as show you our classroom. What great luck we had with the weather, too!