





Week 6

Date: 14th Oct 2023 @ 11:19am

The weeks are whizzing past and Chestnut have had another busy week. 

We have begun to write explanation texts, in English, on the process of mummification. The children were facsintated by this ancient Egyptian ritual and the reasons why it was carried out which we learnt about in History.

Maths, for both year groups, has focused on learning and recalling multiplication and division facts, whilst Science focused on parts of the food chain. 

Year 3 are mastering the skills of push passes whilst moving in hockey and Year 4 are enjoying their swimming sessions. 

It was interesting to hear the children use justification and good reasoning and listening skills in PSHE, this week, where they were given statements to discuss such as: If I accidently pick up someone else's pen and take it home, is it stealing? Or, is there more future than past?  

Thank you to all those who made it to our school harvest festival at church, yesterday. The children have created some beautiful Peter Rabbit artwork with Mrs Wood and I shall be displaying them in our classroom.

Together we live, learn and flourish

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

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School Lane, Ampney Crucis,
Gloucestershire, GL7 5SD

Ampney CrucisC of E Primary School

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School Business Manager | Heather Chadwick

01285 851440

Our School opening times are 08:45 until 15:15

Headteacher and SENCo | Mrs Tana Wood

Chair of Governors | Howard Beddoe

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We may look small from the outside, but we have lovely grounds to explore at the back of our school as well as new library that is the pride and joy of all our school.