Our News items
Sponsored Bike Ride, by Mrs Wood
Art and Photography Exhibition, by Mrs Wood
Our KS1 Reading Ambassadors, by Mrs Wood
Year 6 Orienteering, by Mrs Wood
Reading Ambassadors, by Ms Chadwick
Year 3/4 Quad Kids, by Mrs Wood
Oak Indoor Cricket, by Mrs Wood
Coronation Celebrations, by Mrs Wood
Our children as Artists, by Mrs Wood
Athletics Event for Oak Class, by Mrs Wood
Performance at the Dance Festival, by Mrs Wood
Year 5 Bike ability, by Mrs Wood
Cooking Club's First Creation, by Mrs Wood
Move to Music Workshop, by Mrs Wood
Willow Children are Chefs for the day., by Mrs Wood
Maple Children are Chefs for the day, by Mrs Wood
Chestnut Class Trip to Lyme Regis, by Mrs Wood
Year 5 Sports Leaders, by Mrs Wood
Netball Tournament, by Mrs Wood
Maple Class' Fashion Show, by Mrs Wood
Mothers' Day Breakfast, by Mrs Wood
School Council visit to Cotswold District Council, by Mrs Wood
Oak's Class Trip To Natural History Museum, by Mrs Wood
World Book Day Creations, by Mrs Wood
Ralph's first visit to School, by Mrs Wood