






Here are some phonics sound resources that you can use to practice sounds with your child at home. I have attached a link to the phonics level 5 and 6 sound videos to help reinforce the pronunciation and mneumonic at home.

Level 5 sounds

Twinkl Phonics Level 5 GPCs: Pure Sounds, Actions and Mnemonics (

Level 6 sounds

Twinkl Phonics Level 6 GPCs: Pure Sounds and Mnemonics (

I have also attached a powerpoint that models the letters we have been practising during handwriting in class. You may want to practise these when practising your spellings and sounds.

Class homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be returned on the following Friday, at the latest. 

Your child will recieve spelling in Year two and phonics sounds and focus words to practice in Year one. They will be expected to read at home to an adult.

Children also have logins for Y1 Numbots and TTRS for Y2.

Following on from our reading cafe please find attached the slides about reading in KS1.

Pease ask if you may need additional help!


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01285 851440

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